New Year’s resolutions are famously short lived, lasting only a few days or a few weeks. Rather than totally give up on resolutions, use smart strategies to build your confidence. The beginning of a new year just feels like the right time to make changes and start going in the right direction.
I’ll post one important strategy each day over the first 5 days of 2012 to help you be successful with your resolutions and build your self-confidence. Come back tomorrow for the fourth strategy.
3. Do you have real intention? This is the real power of change. This is your inner purpose and determination thatmakes something happen. Think back on times whenyou had an intention, even if it was something usual like the intention to go grocery shopping or the intention to go to work.
Notice how intention feels in those situations, when you know in your heart that you really are going to DO something. This is what you need to create to back up your New Year’s resolutions with the commitment muscle.
Having intention will over-ride the “I don’t feel like it” excuse that sabotages your resolution and intention will overcome procrastination.
Remember to refresh your intention frequently by visiting and revisiting exactly why you made this resolution.
© High Five Motivation, LLC
Give Me Confidence at
Lynn Kennedy Baxter, BSN, MA
(719) 534-3104