Your confidence level needs to be replenished daily as Mia Hamm of the US Women’s Soccer Team said, “Confidence takes constant nurturing. Like a bed, it must be remade every day.”
So make it doable and a little more glamorous than making your bed. Fight being seduced by your automatic thoughts that feed your anxiety. Incorporate the following simple actions into your daily activities to cultivate and build your confidence level.
Do affirmations in the shower. Affirmations have been around forever, it seems, but they work. Write 3 to 5 affirmations and post them on the bathroom mirror, where you will read them every morning. Say them out loud in the shower. Better yet, sing them for fun and motivation.
Flash subliminal affirmations on your computer screen for an effective, passive form of using affirmations to create confidence. There are several good programs available to effortlessly help you reprogram your unconscious mind.
Read something for just 5 minutes in the morning that boosts your confidence level. Yes, only 5 minutes daily will make a substantial difference. You choose what is motivating, inspiring or educational for you to hear every day to feed your growing confidence. This “do-able” will keep you pointed in the right direction.
Listen to an audio that builds your confidence while you commute. The amount of material that is available is incredible. A 30-minute drive to and from work equals 5 hours/week of education, inspiration or knowledge. The famous Earl Nightingale, personal development pioneer and radio legend, claimed that 5 hours per week would put you at the top of your field in 3 years. You are spending the time driving anyway; why not create more confidence by adding to your knowledge and skills?
Count your achievements, your “wins”, the successes, the triumphs, and the little things you did today that you are proud of. This simple exercise performed at the end of every day will build a tremendous amount of healthy, vigorous confidence. This is not bragging. This is not arrogance. This is healthy pride in your accomplishments that builds your confidence level.
Listen to guided imagery to boost your confidence while you sleep. Turn on your Ipod or CD player and put in the ear buds to passively listen while your drift off to sleep. That’s the only effort required to reprogram your unconscious mind to achieve, perform and have confidence to reach your dreams.
Just a little bit of effort and energy every day will have a huge payoff in building your confidence level.
© High Five Motivation, LLC
Give Me Confidence at
Lynn Kennedy Baxter, BSN, MA
(719) 534-3104